2023 Guests
Marvin J. McIntyre
“The Undertaker”
Returning to Hill Valley 1885 is our favorite Undertaker, Marvin J McIntyre.
Marvin is an American actor with more than thirty years' worth of screen appearances, including The Running Man, Short Circuit, Silverado, and of course, Back to the Future Part III.
Marvin was a super-human wonder at previous events, signing autographs for fans, lending a hand with event operations and even reenacting his famous scene from 'Back to the Future Part III' to the delight of everyone!
He enjoyed himself so much, he said he'd like to come 'Back To 1885!' And we couldn't be happier!
Jay Newington
Few people know the original Hill Valley better than Jay Newington. Jay was the Local Casting coordinator for ‘Back to the Future Part III’ and spent much time on the set, as the President of the ‘Red Hills Ranch Western Film Location, Inc.’ Jay has filled many Hollywood roles throughout the years, working in the Art Department, and as Producer, Production Designer and multiple crew positions. He previously served as the Tuolumne County Film Commissioner. Although he resides in San Diego today, and we are lucky to have him returning briefly to Hill Valley as our knowledgeable guide and historian!
Bob Cole and Chris Stevenson (AKA Cactus Bob and Prairie Flower)
We are honored to have these two skilled musicians at ‘Back To 1885!’ Their many contributions to the shared musical communities in the region are legendary. They both were featured in the ‘Hill Valley Drifters’ in ‘Back to the Future Part III’ during the Hill Valley Festival scene, supporting the ‘front band’ ZZ Top! When the band discovered their supporting ‘extras’ were actually skilled musicians playing their own personal instruments (not props!), they all ‘jammed’ to the thrill of cast and crew between takes!
Bob and Chris will be joined with friends to bring the dance floor to life on Saturday during our Festival.
Burton Gilliam
Appearing for his first time at ‘Back to 1885’ is veteran actor Burton Gilliam. Known for Blazing Saddles (1974), Paper Moon (1973). and Back to the Future Part III, Burton played the memorable role of Elmer H. Johnson, the Colt Peacemaker salesman.
Burton is known for his trademark broad toothy grin with a gregarious, enthusiastic personality to match!
He is married to Susan. They have two children. And we couldn’t be happier to welcome him to his old stomping grounds.
Dade Elza
Returning to Hill Valley much to everyone’s delight with his excellent Marty McFly portrayal! A ‘Back to the Future’ fan himself, Dade was born in Fort Worth, TX to George and Millie Elza. He started acting as a young child and let that passion turn into a career for himself, performing at Disneyland and other live entertainment venues.
Dade is known for "Mystery Incorporated", "86 Melrose Avenue", "You Can't Have It" and various other projects.
Jeffrey Weissman
We’re excited to welcome Jeffrey Weissman Back to 1885.
Jeffery is no stranger to these parts! He costarred with Clint Eastwood (the real one), in Pale Rider and starred as George McFly in Back To The Future, Parts II and III.
Jeffery will be accompanied by his lovely and talented wife Kimbell Jackson and they both have become instrumental in making ‘Back To 1885’ possible!.
Rusty Locke
Returning to the past, Rusty is the world’s preeminent performer of the Doc Brown character from the ‘Back to the Future’ trilogy. He has appeared at all the best events, thrilling fans with his spot-on recreation. Rusty is a gifted actor, portraying numerous roles and his talents were passed down by his father, who appeared in many westerns and other feature films.
Dean Cundey
Director of Photography
The greatest cinematographer of our time,
Dean returns with his lovely wife, Tisha for another visit to Hill Valley!
He is known for his collaborations with John Carpenter, Steven Spielberg, Robert Zemeckis, as well as his extensive work in the horror genre, in addition to numerous family and comedy films including Jurassic Park, Apollo 13, Who Framed Roger Rabbit and of course, our favorite, the Back to the Future trilogy.
Citizens look forward to enjoying time with the Cundey’s and we are honored to have them join us for the reunion!
Robert Bennett
Robert ‘Bobby’ Bennett joyfully proclaims that he spent the 50 years of his entire career in show business ‘standing on a little piece of tape!’ As Michael J. Fox’s stand-in for countless films, Bobby’s similar stature and affable personality provided him a life behind the scenes in Hollywood many would be envious of. And because of his patience and dedication, the stars on the screen shine brighter! We thank Bobby for supporting ‘Back To 1885!’ •
Enjoy these Thrilling memories from previous ‘Back To 1885’ adventures!
Tickets! (SOLD OUT)
“The Future is what you make it…”
The two years of ‘Back to 1885,’ we had to turn people away which grieved us since it is a fundraiser for the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. But the permits do have limits and as guests, we strive to be safe and respectful to the properties.
Below, find links for the various tickets available. We encourage you to take advantage of the rare opportunities that we have organized.
Please Note: “Your future isn’t written yet. No ones has.” *Everything is subject to change with little or no notice. We will do our best to stick to the plan as permitted and make up for any changes with reasonable substitutions! Thank you for the support and we will see you… in the Past!
Your friends in time,
Terry and Oliver Holler
‘Back To 1885’ organizers

Your attendance will benefit The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research!
To date, we’ve raised over $850,000! If you can’t make it, you can still donate here!
Thank you for your support!
Questions? Contact us for further details about this event:
Please be advised that filming will be in process at the ‘Back to 1885’ event. Your attendance serves as an agreement to be recorded and to potentially appear in any and all content captured for press and promotional purposes including that for the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. Thank you for your cooperation!
COVID-19 Information
The COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic, is an ongoing pandemic of coronavirus disease.
At ‘Back to 1885’ the health and safety of our participants are our main priorities, and because of this we will continue to implement policies and protocols based on state/local health guidelines and public health recommendations as we prepare. As the COVID-19 situation continues to be one that is constantly changing, we will continue to assess the evolving public health guidance regarding large gatherings and adapt accordingly.
We encourage every individual to make informed decisions about attending our events in the best interest of their own health as well as the health of others.
While not required at this time, ‘Back to 1885’ recommends that participants do the following:
Get vaccinated and boosted for COVID, if appropriate;
Wear a medical quality mask while attending the event. (Double up with a bandana for effective train robbery.)
Obtain a negative COVID test result prior to attending the event.
Symptoms: Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19: Cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell.
Incubation period: The median incubation period for COVID-19 is four to five days. Most symptomatic people experience symptoms within two to seven days after exposure.
Mode of transmission: Human-to-human transmission via respiratory droplets.
Prevention tips: Avoiding close contact with sick individuals; frequently washing hands with soap and water; not touching the eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands; and practicing good respiratory hygiene.
Be particularly considerate of our Celebrity Guests. They are volunteering their support of this event and many are ‘at risk.’ So let’s give them our love and respect -and NOT our germs!
*Due to a required service inspection, the Sierra No. 3 will be replaced by the No. 1265 diesel locomotive at this year’s event.